Written by Amy Clay and Katie ClarkGender InequitiesAt Sunstone, we celebrate women every day, and today we join the world in marking International Women’s Day.As female entrepreneurs working in the mental health field, we see, hear, and experience the unique joys and successes that are part of women’s lives. However, we also know all too well the challenges that women face on a daily basis.Whether it’s the challenges around body image, unwelcomed sexual advances, disproportionately shouldering household or parental duties, or struggles in the workplace, we recognize that women face significant barriers, perpetuated by gender stereotypes, that can prevent them from thriving.Today, and every day, we invite all of you to celebrate the many ways that women bring joy, success, creativity, and so much more to the world. Leaders, sisters, caregivers, daughters, entrepreneurs, mothers, artists, therapists, and activists. Women can be anything they choose, and we’re all the better for it.

So today, let’s take an active role in spreading awareness around gender bias and taking action to create a more equitable world for all women. Here are just a few ideas on how you can participate and celebrate this meaningful day.


A critical part to taking action against gender bias is knowing what it is and understanding its effect on women, our communities, and society at large. Even if you consider yourself an ally, there’s always more to learn around bias against women and how you can fight it.

You can start by asking the women in your life about their experiences and researching the topic. The National Women’s History Alliance is a great place to start for resources and learning.


The International Women’s Day website has a myriad of ways to build relationships and collaborate in your community or around the world. Consider hosting or attending an event in your community (there are in-person and online options!), make and share a video that amplifies your commitment to helping build a gender equal world, join the conversation on social media using #EmbraceEquity, or make history come alive with a special presentation or performance.

Step up for women in your life. No matter the connection with the women in your circle, it can be meaningful to acknowledge how they impact your life in a positive way just by simply being in it; the act of highlighting their value and worth is significant and meaningful.


Taking on the fight for gender equity can be challenging and exhausting so it’s important to take care of yourself first (put on your proverbial oxygen mask before helping others!). Additionally, personally experiencing the stress and frustrations of discrimination and inequality can take a physical, mental, and emotional toll on women.

In fact, sustained and prolonged exposure to traumatic experiences, such as discrimination, can result in toxic stress, which can have lasting negative effects. And unfortunately, women are already more likely to experience mental health challenges such as depression and anxiety. Luckily, women are also far more prone to ask for help in dealing with whatever is troubling them.

If you feel that gender inequities are negatively affecting you, you’re not alone. Reach out to one of our compassionate and highly trained counselors who can support you on this journey. You don’t have to go it alone, and a brighter tomorrow is possible.