By: Natalie Jensen, MSW, Supervisee in Social Work

The upcoming group, Grief, Loss & Life, will feature weekly sessions, having attendees gather for 90-minutes in the early evening. Sessions are on Thursdays 6:30 – 8:00 pm, beginning March 5th, and run through April 30th (off April 9th). This spring cycle will be limited to a total of 10 participants, so everyone’s experience may be honored in a personal way. You will be welcomed into our cozy and home-like setting in our Old Town office. Each session will begin with taking a moment to transition from our outside responsibilities (work/family/commuting) to our group environment.  Sometimes members may show up and feel pretty good, while others may show up and feel discouraged, sad, or angry. However you feel – it is welcomed, and we will meet you as a supportive group.

The group experience will introduce aspects of grief and loss while considering the many ways we process (physical, emotional, cognitive). Members can anticipate exploring concepts through activities and experiential exercises, using gradual steps toward healing and hope. There will be opportunities to participate in a variety of ways including verbal (discussion/reflection) and non-verbal methods (prompts for journaling/mindfulness exercises, expressive arts, relaxation). You need not fear, no one will be forced to participate in a particular way. There may be encouragement to try something unknown or less known to you. The purpose of the group dynamic will be to offer continual and compassionate support with each other, while nurturing new skills.

As you consider your New Year, I hope you might invest in an improved experience with grief.  While there is often the assumption that working through grief is all one tone and color – sadness and grey – there are many parts to the journey. Sometimes, the greatest discovery is that you do not need to be alone. We can learn from and with others sharing their experiences.  In fact, we as human beings are wired to connect with others. It is part of the path toward healing. We can collaborate on ways to improve well-being. We can develop new skills to navigate the ever-changing journey through grief and loss. Your story and life experience are valued, treasured, and honored in this environment. You can expect to find support and encouragement in our upcoming Grief, Loss & Life group.

Please feel free to connect with me if you have questions. Attendees commit to attending the 8 week cycle at $80/session. If you are interested in signing up, please contact me ( | 719-660-3784) to set up a complimentary phone conversation by 2/14/2020.


Filed under: GriefGroup Counseling

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