Eating Disorders Counseling2024-05-14T21:00:02+00:00

Eating Disorders Counseling

eating disorder treatment

Eating disorders are complicated emotional, physical, and mental disorders that affect every aspect of a person’s well-being.

Eating disorders are complicated emotional, physical, and mental disorders that affect every aspect of a person’s well-being.

Providing Holistic Care

Sunstone’s clinicians are highly trained in the treatment of eating disorders, having worked at the inpatient, residential, partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient, and outpatient levels of care as part of our training and experience.

We utilize a Health At Every Size (HAES) and All Foods Fit perspectives to help you become at peace with your body and the role food plays in your life. We consider how culture, race, religion, orientation, family of origin, and identity influence your body and mind.

We believe eating disorders should be treated holistically, and we work collaboratively with dietitians, psychiatrists, physicians, school counselors, families, and anyone else involved with your care. Our counselors provide care for a wide spectrum of disordered eating struggles, including:

  • Anorexia Nervosa
  • Bulimia Nervosa
  • Binge Eating Disorder
  • Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)
  • Orthorexia
  • Over-exercise
  • Emotional Eating
  • Body Image Concerns
  • Body Dysmorphia
  • Disordered Eating
  • Complicated relationships with food, weight, and body

Serving Individuals and Their Loved Ones

We understand that eating disorders often do not affect only the individual; they may affect every person in the individual’s life. For this reason, we aim to serve individuals, couples, parents, and families using:

  1. Individual Therapy
  2. Family Therapy
  3. Group Therapy
  4. Parent Coaching
  5. Workshops
eating disorder treatment

Putting the Client’s Safety First

Our first priority will always be your safety and well-being. Due to the complicated medical nature of eating disorders, we assess for level-of-care appropriateness upon the initial consultation. If it is found that you or your loved one is in need of a higher-level of care based on our carefully curated questions, we will work with you to find the correct resources you need and deserve.

Meet our counselors who specialize in disordered eating

Callie Dyer
Callie Dyer, LPC
Liz Rae
Liz Rae, LPC
Morgan Canner
Morgan Canner, MA
Emily Goff Trkula
Emily Goff Trkula, LPC

Eating Disorder Recovery Process Group Therapy (Meeting Virtually)

Join us on taking a deep dive into your relationship with eating disorder recovery. Peer support offers a whole different level of commitment to the recovery process. These “process” style groups will focus on the issues, questions, and topics group members bring to the session.

Common topics include: finding balance with movement, utilizing family and friends for support, identifying motivations for recovery, improving body image, fighting diet culture, practicing self-compassion,  building confidence, forming an identity outside of disordered eating, and more.

Clients with diagnoses including Anorexia, Bulimia, OSFED, ARFID, and Binge Eating Disorder are welcome. We aim to discuss the common drivers and coping skills related to disordered eating, not the specific symptoms and behaviors, so everyone can find a common ground.

All genders welcome.

Learn more, including how to participate.

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How Can We Help?

Book your session today and start your journey towards a brighter, healthier, happier you.

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